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Winterset Battle of the Books Rules 2019


Each match will follow this format:

  • Two teams of up to four students each will sit at separate tables in the front of the room.  The moderator will run the match and ask the questions; the scorekeeper (if available) will keep the official score and run the timer or ask someone in the room to run the timer for them, otherwise the moderator will keep the score and run the time or ask someone in the room to run the timer for them.

  • Each team will choose a spokesperson and identify that person to the moderator.  The spokesperson for each team will introduce his/her team.

  • The moderator will flip a coin to see who goes first.  Teams will alternate questions throughout the match. Each team will get 15 questions total.

  • The team who is asked a question will have 30 seconds to answer with the title of the book.  They may ask to have the question repeated as many times as necessary during their 30 seconds.  The team may discuss the answer together, but the moderator will only listen to the answer from the designated spokesperson.  If they get the title right, they earn 3 points. They will then have the opportunity to state the name of the author (first, middle, and last names of all authors as listed on the cover of the book).  Illustrator names are not required. If they correctly state the author’s name, they earn an additional 2 points. Pronouncing an author’s name wrong does not mean a team cannot earn points; however, the moderator must be able to determine that the team said the correct author name(s) as stated on the book covers & contest book list.

  • If a team does not give the correct answer within 30 seconds or answers incorrectly, the question passes to the other team for the chance to steal.  The stealing team has the rest of the initial 30 seconds plus 10 additional seconds to give an answer. If they are correct, they earn 3 points. Stealing teams DO NOT get an opportunity to earn author bonus points.  

  • If there is the chance to steal on a question, the stealing team will get the next question since initial questions alternate between teams.

  • Teams, coaches, or parents may not challenge or pass questions.  If the moderator makes a mistake, a new question may be given at the moderator’s discretion.

  • At the end of 30 total questions, the match will be over and the scorekeeper will announce the official score.  (Scores may also be stated throughout the match, at scorekeeper’s discretion.)

  • If both teams are tied at the end of 30 total questions, teams will each receive a whiteboard and marker.  Both teams will answer the same question at the same time. Teams will have one minute to write down the answer to the question on their whiteboard.  Spelling will not count, but it must be legible. Teams will NOT get bonus points/credit for knowing the author in the tiebreaker round. The moderator will ask questions until one team gets the question right and one team misses the question.  The team who answers the question right will win the match and be given one additional point to reflect their win on the score sheet.

  • Teams should shake hands or otherwise congratulate each other after the match.

  • Alternate team members may be listed as part of a team and can switch in and out throughout the day at will (but NOT in the middle of a match).  However, a person can only compete on ONE team.


The format of the tournament will be a pool tournament with a single-elimination championship bracket tournament following pool play.  The 16 teams that will go to the championship bracket will be determined by each team’s record. One winner from each pool (based on team record) will advance to the championship tournament.  If teams have the same number of wins, the team that has the highest number of points scored throughout the morning rounds will move on. Depending on the number of pools, additional “wild card” teams may also qualify for the championship tournament based on their number of wins (with total points scored as a tiebreaker).   


Spectators, including participants in the tournament, are allowed to watch matches.  Spectators should remain silent during matches. For courtesy to the teams competing, please do not enter or exit a room when a match is already in progress.  In order to make the contest as fair as possible, all concurrent rounds will use the same question bank. Therefore, it is important to stick to the schedule during pool play.  If a round ends early, the next round will NOT start until the time specified. During the single-elimination championship tournament, matches may start early since the final rounds will all take place in the gym and each match will use different questions.

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